Queer Fear

Death Becomes Her

  • DIRECTED BY Robert Zemeckis
  • USA
  • English (with subtitles)
  • 1992
  • 104 MINS
  • PG
  • Tue 10th Sept // 19:00
  • Horsforth Brewery
'In one small bottle, the fountain of youth, the secret of eternal life...sometimes it works - sometimes it doesn't!'

Join Queer Fear for a free screening of camp classic DEATH BECOMES HER in the mini screening space at Horsforth Brewery!

In the 14 years since actress Madeline Ashton (Meryl Streep) stole writer Helen Sharp's (Goldie Hawn) fiancé (Bruce Willis), time has not been kind.

So when Madeline hears of a secret potion that will restore her beauty and offer eternal life, she jumps at the chance to sign up.

But she's not the only one who has discovered this radical new beauty treatment. Helen is back - now successful and defying the years - to see off her 'frenemy' once and for all!

Spaces are limited, so booking is required.

Content warnings: https://www.doesthedogdie.com/media/16708